Sunday, November 1, 2009

Finally November

My favorite month of the year has arrived. I don't know what it is that is so appealing about November. It could be that it is full of birthdays of my family and friends. It could be that It means that the semester is getting closer to the end. I think however it is all the pumpkin flavored yumminess!
Last week was mid-terms and I made it through them successfully. I have B's in all my classes. I am thinking that is pretty darn great considering how rough it has been this semester and I know it is only going to get tougher. My EMT class is so so so much fun. I learn so much in this class. The best part is I can apply almost all of what I am learning because I have seen it before. I am surprised how much I am not behind after catching the flu. I was able to go back to school and make up my exams. I took 6 exams in one week. (I only have 4 classes). I saw a lot of the testing center.
Oh I dyed my hair. It is now a dark brown and I love it. I am surprised at how many people don't notice it looks natural. Thank you 3 dollar dye from Walmart! The past few weeks have gone well. Went on a couple dates with a guy named Brian. It was fun. We have decided to be friends. It is actually a really great thing. Our sense of humor fits well together. I am really glad to have made a new friend. And to be honest I think friendship is a better road for the both of us. I have a few more dates coming up in the next couple weeks they should be fun. Next weekend I am headed down to Utah to see Ginger and the Olsen Family. I am excited. It will be so nice to get out of small town Rexburg.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

And the Flu Snuck In...

Today I came to the conclusion that although sometimes I think I am super woman I am not. I got the flu Monday night and tried to go to class on Tuesday and nearly fainted during work because I was not feeling hot. I got sent home from work. I called my teachers and they were understanding. But needless to say I am behind on two exams and I have already missed 2 days of classes. I am not allowed to return to classes until my fever has been gone for 24 hours. The problem. I wake up with a fever. I don't have one all day even without medication but I wake up with a tiny little fever 100.2. Man is it frustrating. But I will make it through. Hopefully I won't get to behind in my studies. The hard part is trying to stay awake while doing the readings for my classes.
On a lighter note. I have being having tons of fun the past couple of weeks. Taking time to laugh and still get my work done. I have been on a couple of dates with different guys and had a lot of fun just doing random things. My roommates are wonderful. Rachel is so sweet and has been taking good care of me. She helps me to remember to do my daily things with a laugh. She is just so awesome! And Meredith always has a funny comment. She is so good at pushing me out of my box. She is just too much. I swear I have lost a ton of weight because of how much they both make me laugh.
Well I am going to attempt my homework again.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Things Happen and Life Get's Better

Recently I had to get my student ID replaced because my old one was beginning to not work and it looked nothing at all like me. Afterward I placed them side by side to look at the pictures and there was such a difference I decided to make a better comparison. The one on the left was taken in March of this year and the one on the right was taken in April 07. There is quite the difference. I have lost a total of 115 pounds and have never felt better or looked better for that matter. I am proud of my weight- loss it was a tough road that still isn't over but I am closer than I have ever been.
On a different note it is freezing in Rexburg. I am looking forward to when my parents bring me my car. It will be nice to not be an icicle by the time I get to class. The worst part is it is only the first of October. Classes are keeping me really busy along with work. Spanish seems to be my biggest challenge so far this semester. That and men. Spanish at least has a how to manual. I have gotten myself a few study groups and a tutor so hopefully by the end of the semester I'll be able to hablar en espanol. I guess we'll see. I love my EMT class! I love the humor and the fun I get to have while learning about medicine totally fun and totally worth it. It a ton of work though! The other two are interesting classes that take time also. I have had a hard go of it this week but hopefully next week will go better. I have confidence that it will.
General Conference is this weekend and I can hardly wait. I am nervous about getting all my work done but I am sure I will. I did last weekend even with the power outage at my apartment and the intranet going down the next day. Well I should go to bed. Tomorrow is only a half hour away but at least it is Friday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So It's Been A While

Life has been hectic. Moved back to school were everything is falling into place but life is very busy. I love my classes my professors are awesome and I look forward to going to classes. They are A LOT of work but totally worth it of course. My weeks start Monday at 7:45a with Spanish 102, which is hard, but I found a friend to help me out with that. Totally great guy, Adam. Then off to EMT- Basic course which is totally interesting. I love this stuff! Afterward I have a little break to eat my lunch and finish up homework. Then it is my Family and Community Communications course which seems pretty interesting so far. We have been talking about socialization and ways in which that happens. Afterward I have my EMT-Basic lab for 4 hours. By the end of that I am starving and head back to the library to eat and do homework till 9p when I work library security till the library closes. That is my Monday. Tuesday I have two classes. Spanish 102 at 7:45a and Behavioral Health Theories at 10:15a. Tuesdays are nice because I don't work. Hence the reason I get to type this up right now. But the rest of the week is busy. Wednesday is the same as Monday just with out the EMT lab but add a study session with Adam. And work at 7p to 9p instead. Thursday is the same as Tuesday with work at 2:30p to 5:30p. Friday I don't have Spanish. I just have my EMT-Basic class and Family and Community. Plus work at 2:45p to 5:30p. Not bad. I just have to plan my time well to get my work done during the week so that I can have fun on the weekends.
Some things haven't gone as planned. Maddi was supposed to be my roommate but that didn't end up working out. That is okay though. You can't predict the Lord asking you to stay put. I still don't have a car just yet. Before the snow is the plan so far. However, my laptop died so the car may be put off longer. Hopefully, I can fix my computer and that won't be a problem. I also ended up in Utah last weekend for my Grandma Olsen's funeral. It was sad but happy at the same time. I'll write a post about that another day. Right now I am going to nap so I can get my homework done without falling a sleep with my textbooks open.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Still Not Really Going As Planned

Well after going to the hospital and working things out so that I could work in the ER I figured out that may not be the best source for work. It came even more clear after talking with the assistant manager. I will hopefully be able to pick up some work. My goal has changed. At this point I just need to pay off debt and hope that I will be able to make something towards a car. I know now that a car most likely won't happen. I am trying to do little things to earn some cash. I am watching a newborn all day Friday and mowing the law for my dad again. Doing some small things for my parents. It doesn't pay much but it does pay.
Today I went to a PALS (Pediatric Advance Life Support) class with my mom. Totally interesting. I am so excited for my EMT course next semester. I set up two EMS ride alongs with some friends. I am so looking forward to it. It will help me get a better understanding of when I will be doing in my future as a paramedic. Well that is about it for me. More soon I'm sure.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sometimes it doesn't go as planned

Things have had a change of plans. I was supposed to start work the Monday after I got home. That didn't happen but instead I got to spend a week having fun with my family. My Older sister, Ginger and her husband, Chris, flew down to Houston for a visit. We spent the whole time shopping for her babies, she's pregnant with twins. We found out yesterday that they are both boys! We went to the Houston Outlet malls one day and spent last whole day last Saturday on the boat. We tried out the tube for the first time and let's just say I can't wait till this Saturday to do it all again. I loved it. My abs hurt for days afterward from laughing so hard. Well it set in on Sunday that my job that I thought I had set up had fallen through.
On Monday I started the work. I looked into working in the ER again. I started making hair bows to sell and spent some time with Ki's family. Tuesday everything was set in stone. I was hired back on in the ER as a PRN status. I get to work every time I am back in town. So this Christmas I'll have a place to work. It is comforting knowing that I have an income. Now the goal is to pay off debt and make enough money to buy a car. I even started doing little jobs around the house. I mowed the lawn for 25 dollars in pennies. And Ki is going to pay me to do his too. Every little bit helps.
Tomorrow, I'm taking my baby sister school shopping and to swim lessons.
That's it for now,

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I crossed the finish line...

I finished the semester this morning at 730 am when Hermano Maxfield handed me my graded spanish final. I am so proud of myself. After 2 years with no school. I have managed to make B+ or higher in all of my classes. Well a B+ in Spanish and A's in all the rest. I never thought I would say this but I love school. I know there are times when I sit in class and I say I so do not want to be there but after 2 years working a job and not having a career I know this is the place to be.
I am looking forward to the break but I am even more excited for next semester. I am taking 4 courses that will total 16 credits. The highest credit class is my EMT class at 7 credits. Next is my 4 credit spanish 102 class, then 3 Families and Communities, and lastly 2 Health Behavior theories. I am excited. I also have the job in the library, that is low stress. I am going to be one busy lady.
Wow. I just can't believe it. I knew all along that I could do it but it seriously amazes me that I have done so well this semester. It makes me think I wish I would of taken my studies this seriously when I first started school and I could of been finished by now. But I know that without those 2 years working in the hospital I would never be as serious about my future as I am now. I know I wouldn't be standing so firm in my decision to become a Child Life Specialist and Paramedic. I love medicine and I never saw myself saying so. But I guess my mom had more of an influence on me than I thought. It's not such a bad thing after all.
Well it is onto packing and cleaning so that I can get myself home! Home. Home. Home. It's all I can think about for now.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's Coming to the End

The semester is almost over and boy has it been a busy semester. It has been so wonderful to come back to school. Who knew that 3 months could change a person so much on so many levels. I see life in a different light. Instead of seeing just today, I see today as a way to prepare for tomorrow. Today in church a brother said, "Practice today for tomorrow." I think it fits perfectly. Life is starting to come full circle. My classes are finally more than generals and are actually interesting. I took three child development courses this semester and I can honestly say that I have learned a ton. It makes me excited for next semester when I get to start taking some of my emergency care courses. I am most excited for my EMT class. It's a 7 credit class. But really I am so excited. I feel like I am getting closer to my end goal of paramedicine and child life.
I am excited to go home in a few days and take a little break from all the wonderfulness of school. I am excited to make a little money so I can hopefully buy a car. Now that I have a job for the fall, my goal is before the snow comes to have a car. I would like to wait as long as possible but chances are I'll start freezing before the snow gets here and I'll give in and buy one. I can't wait to see my family. I am looking forward to spending my time off with them. The heat may be hard at first But I am sure that's nothing a swimming pool or the beach can't cure!
Well on a side note my ankle is healing well, it'd probably heal faster if I'd wear the brace but the doctor told me I could take it off after two weeks and well it's been two weeks. It is a little bruised and still swollen but it only hurts if I bump it or twist it the wrong way. But all is good.
Well I am going to rest and enjoy the rest of my Sabbath before a week of head aches and worry.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Going to the Opera

I went to the Opera last night. It was surprisingly good. I had never been before and never really had the urge to go but I had found out a old friend was performing so I figured I'd go support. I went with my Minnesotan neighbor, Rachel and her roommate Heidi. It is a funny story how it all cam up really. On Thursday Rachel invited me on a trip down to Idaho Falls. On the way down got talking about all our different Minnesota friends. Rachel and I grew up in different parts of Minnesota but had weird connections through our parents and older siblings. When my family was getting ready to move to Minnesota the Payne's invited us over an evening of dinner and fun. All I really remember was playing pool in their basement. Rachel and I didn't see each other again until Young Women Encampment, and even then I don't think we realized each other. And this year when I was moving into my apartment we ended up being neighbors all by chance.
Anyway back to the story. So Rachel and I were talking about different people and what not. She grew up in the Burnsville stake and I in the Minneapolis stake. I didn't and still don't know very many people in her stake but I did knew one. He was the only reason I went to stake dances and the last time I had seen him was when I was 15 until last night. He looked very different, which is only to be expected considering it has been 7 years. We didn't get the chance to talk to him after the opera but he did sound amazing. It was kind of hard to wrap my mind around the whole thing. I never thought I would be going to an opera at BYU-I to see this guy. It was fun and something I will probably never forget. Just another funny experience. It just goes to show how small the world really is.
Well two more weeks left of the semester and I have a lot more studying to do. I better hit the books.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Weekend

This weekend was a lot of firsts for me. I went to Star Vally, Wyoming to visit a friend, Kyle, and it turned out that his sister, Katie, came up for a visit, it was a nice surprise. So it turned from visiting one friend to visiting two friends. It started on the 3rd. After I had gotten to Star Valley Kyle took me on a ride up Weber canyon on a 4wheeler of which I had never been on before. It was amazing. I enjoyed every second of it. At one point I had to get off because Kyle was afraid that the 4wheeler was going to slip. I walked up this incline that wasn't that far at all, but the air was thin and I had a hard time with my asthma. Talk about embarrassing! After the ride up the canyon Kyle got to talking with his uncle about an old barn on their property that his dad and grandpa had built, that burned down in 1994. While he did that I made friends with a little girl that was too cute for words.
Later that after noon after watching a movie with one of Kyle's oldest friends we went across the street to Kyle's cousin's home. We ate dinner and enjoyed talking to each other telling stories. This is when I found out that little kids adore Kyle. He would flip them upside down and walk them on the ceiling. He was pretty much the coolest guy in their eyes. After dinner while we were all still talking Katie arrived home. We all had figured she wasn't coming but she did. She conquered her fears and got in the car and drove 4 hours by herself up for the weekend. It was so nice to see her again. We stayed up late talking.
The 4th was a busy day! We went to 2 parades... small town parades are awesome by the way, mom I took pictures for you. I had a lot of fun enjoying the sun and my pink face will prove it. After the parade in Afton was over we went to lunch in the park with Kyle and Katie's grandparents and some cousins. It was very enjoyable. I had cell phone service and my mom took full advantage of it... 50 text messages later I got a phone call. I got a job this fall working as library security. I am really excited. I totally wasn't expecting the phone call on a Saturday or a holiday but it only made it that much better. After lunch we headed back to Kyle's place and just relaxed. I sat outside on the tramp and just thought about lots of stuff. It was hard not to when you are surrounded in such a beautiful place. Well after a few minutes... this is when it got exciting...
Kyle's cousin came out and wanted to jump on the tramp and I joined them. We took turns doing silly little tricks and showing off for each other. Maybe I should clarify his cousins are 7 and 3. Well I did a silly twirl in the air and came down wrong, really wrong and hurt my ankle. Long story short. Kyle and his mom took me to the ER and I tore a ligament in my ankle and it is all purple and painful looking. It really isn't that bad but I am surviving. We ended up missing fireworks but got to see an amazing sunset and some pretty cool lightening.
Sunday was wonderful also! Church was good, and afterward Kyle took me on a nice little tour of the dry farm with my splinted ankle and everything. After ward I helped his dad and cousin build a fire to roast hot dogs for lunch over. It was a very enjoyable afternoon in the sun. About an hour after lunch my friend's picked me up and we came back to Rexburg.
All in all I had a wonderful weekend torn ligament and all. I can't wait to make it back to Star Valley. Till next time...

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Tools and Better Understandings

Okay right now I am in a computer basics class. It is a smiple little computer class where I learn all kinds of new little things. Like today I made a powerpoint on google docs. It was all about twitter. I am seriously proud of it. I know it is totally silly and totally simple. If you are interested there is a way that I can send it to you, just ask. It is funny how a little project can give you a better understanding of a program that you already thought you understood.
Well that is my little thought for today,

Oh and by the way I haven't set anything in stone but it looks like Houston will be getting me for 7 weeks. It all depends on my interview on Wednesday. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What to do?

I have a hard choice to make.
I want to stay in Rexburg during the seven week break between semesters but I've been offered a job back home that pays well. I could make enough money to pay for rent next semester and still have some left over to help get a new car. It already sounds too good. But the problem with leaving Rexburg is I would have to pack up everything in my apartment. That isn't such a big deal except all my bins are in storage in Utah. Oh and my brother in law helped me put my room together the way it is now and I would definitely need his help to put it back together. It could possibly cost me more to go home than it would more me to stay here. But there is no way I could make as much money here as I would at home. Augh... but if I find a job during the seven week break that I could keep through the semester that would help a ton right? Dang I don't know what to do.
Help me!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

And it's Almost Over

Wow... this week thus far has been one for the records books. It started Monday with rain again. Monday was pretty good as you can tell from my last post. But Tuesday is when it all started. I had a Spanish exam, which by the way I made an A on. I am impressed with myself, my professor had said that everyone's scores dropped with this exam. It goes to show studying works! On Wednesday I had a paper due in one of my classes it was on Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Where it was interesting to write it was repetitive, and it doesn't help that I am not going into the teaching profession and that is what this class is geared toward. I got a nice surprise in one of my classes. If I go on a field trip on the 1st of July I didn't have to take the multiple choice part of the exam. Today I taught in my parenting class, it was our last time teaching. It's nice not to have that stress anymore. I also took another exam today but I have no clue of my score because it was only the essay portion of the test. It is a good thing that I am pretty good at essays though. The rest of today I am preparing for another exam that I am taking tomorrow. It will be nice to get this week over and start preparing for next week. There are only 5 more weeks left of the semester and 2 more weeks till a nice little break. I cannot wait to just rest and have fun. I hope that the weather is nice in Star Valley that weekend. I'm going to hit the book so that I can hopefully make another A.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Endings and New Beginnings

Fantastic is an understatement for my day. Today started out early with Spanish class. After talking to Hermano Maxfield I've got it worked out for next semester so I can have him for a professor again. I am so excited because never before have I ever been able to understand Spanish the way I do now. Granted I don't sound all that great when I speak it but I am getting better. I made plans for study groups for all three of my exams this week... Spanish is tomorrow. Yikes! I really felt like I learned tons in my classes today. In D&C we talked about the Natural Man. It is cool to better understand the scriptures on a personal level and get credit for it. After classes I went for a walk through the gardens at BYU-I and it was so beautiful. The flowers are in bloom and the fountains and creeks were flowing and the sun was shinning. I enjoyed reviewing for Spanish in the sun while waiting for my friend.
Once she got there we talked and everything turned out just fine. I knew I was being a girl. She's been busy and feels horrible that things haven't been working out. I told her how I felt about things and asked for her to not do that again. I think she understood what I was saying because she said sorry just about a billion times. I love her to pieces and I am glad that everything turned out well. We have plans to go to devotional tomorrow and then to hang out afterwards. I am looking forward to things getting back to normal. It looks like she may even be moving in with me next semester. Things aren't working out so well with her roommates. I love her to pieces. I knew I was getting all upset for no reason... I am such a girl.
Well I suppose I should actually study some more for mi espanol examen...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Give and Take

This evening has been a challenging one to say the least. As I was finishing up my mound of homework I decided to text a few friends to see if I could tag along on their plans for the night. One friend let me know that she had a date and another said she was turning in early cause she's had an exhausting week. We continued to talk, after a few meaningless conversation she said something that helped me come to a realization about a dear friend. For me it was a shock.
You see I love my friends. I will do anything for them. Sometimes this isn't so good because I become the muck on the bottom of their shoes, I always forgive and open my arms. You see I realized that I was losing a friend. Her and I have become distant over the past couple of weeks and things just didn't seem to click. A few different people told me to just give up that I deserve better. Well I can't just give up. On Monday her and I are going to get to together and I'm going to tell her how I feel about how things have been going. And hopefully all will be good. If not I am sure I will cry but as I have learned crying is good for you.
Tonight while I was trying to cope with the terms that I had come to I decided the best place to turn for comfort was my Heavenly Father. I don't have my family out here and all my good friends are a distance away (besides Kate), I sought comfort from where I knew I could get it. After a prayer and a feeling of comfort I turned to and looked up some articles on friendship, in hopes that I could better myself from this whole kit and kaboodle. I read a couple different ones, one was about friendships in the bible, one was about eternal friendships (spouses) and the last one was about being a friend. I liked this one the most. It talked about how it is our responsibility to be a friend. One part that I loved was, "No one wants to become a “project”; we all want spontaneously to be loved. And, if we are to have friends, we want them to be genuine and sincere, not “assigned." I don't want to be that friend that no one wants around. If that means we hug and go our separate ways than so be it. For now I will just be a friend.
So after many tears and smeared mascara, I smile. I just want to say that I am so grateful for all my blessings. I know that the Lord has given me the gift to love so that I can reach out to those who need it even if it is only for a few moments. I am grateful for friends that are willing to listen and love me enough to. I am grateful for my family and the many sacrifices they make and have made for me. I love my Heavenly Father and I know with out a doubt this is the true church. I know that we have a prophet that is here on the earth to help guide us back to our Heavenly Father. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Always Smiling,
Oh by the way the name of that article is: "Friendship: A Gospel Principle" Given by Elder Marlin K. Jensen in the May 1999 Ensign

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Makings of an Eventful Day

Today started out abnormal. I woke up before my alarm and yet I still left the house late. I don't know what happened I did everything the same I always do. I think it was because I didn't have my 630a class today. But anyway, I went to classes and when I got home it wasn't raining so I took advantage of the warmer weather. I went for a bike ride. In Rexburg there is nothing but hills. I went up a hill and then up another and then finally up the last. By the end of it my asthma kicked in (I haven't had an asthma attack since High School). It was no bueno. (That means no good for all you nonspanish speakers). I figured I better turn around. Half way down the second hill I stopped and took a picture with my phone. It was a beautiful site.

After my bike ride I figured I better hunker down and get to homework. I have 2 papers and 3 exams all next week. I figured if I started on them today it wouldn't be so stressful next week. The sun began to beam so brightly that I couldn't resist so I put on some shorts and sandals packed up a text book, blanket and pillow to go sit on the lawn. As I am walking down the stairs, thinking about how much it would really suck if I fell down these concrete steps... I miss the last two and fall face first onto the concrete. Laughing, my neighbor comes running out to help me. The two of us laughed as we picked up my things. I so wish I would of caught it on video I could of won money. See the thing is I didn't just fall. I fell and skidded. Needless to say my ankles, shins, knees, hands, and elbows are all scrapped. Some worse than others. The good thing is I know how to use a bandaid and my wonderful Kate came over with some hydrogrenproxide (sp?) and triple antibiotic ointment. I am all fixed and should be doing homework but instead I figured I'd better write my journey down before I forgot. I hope you all laughed as hard as I did with my adventures today.

Keep on smiling cause you know I am!



Thursday, June 11, 2009

Saying Goodbye

I put my first car up for sale today. I have put so much into her and now it's time to let her go. I love my car but after replacing the radiator, water pump, all the belts, tires, ball bearings, and the brakes I'm broke and can't even make it from one side of Rexburg to the other without her getting upset. So I did it. I am selling her for $300. It makes me sad to know I put so much hard work into her and I have to let her go for so little. But there is another better car in my future I know. I guess for now I just have to let go.
Well that is it for now,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This is me...

I figured it was about time I gave into the blogging world. I enjoy reading my friends, as I sat back the other day after reading my friend's, Kate's blog, I figured that I should probably get one too. I have a real journal and my hope is that this won't replace it but it will become a part of it. So here goes nothing....

So today I wrote a paper for my computer basics class. It was all about twitter. Which by the way is awesome. I was skeptical at first but after my friend, Kyle, got me all set up I love it. I get daily LDS thoughts, scrapbook updates, and funny quotes which always keep me smiling. I never thought I would ever understand it but after a little research and my new best friend, wikipedia, I think I understand enough to explain it to others... my next goal understand the blogging world. I am thinking it is simpler than I thought.
Another fun thing that happened today was in my Child310 class my teacher brought in his children. And we got to see Jean Piaget's theories in real life. I was in awe! Oh and it helped that the children we absolutely adorable. I love kids and can hardly wait to have mine own... but I will. I think a boyfriend that turns into an eternal companion needs to come first. In the Lord's time... Mom you can wait (I promise!)
Oh more exciting news... are you ready? I might of found a ride to Star Valley, Wy for 4th of July to visit Kyle and his family. I am so excited! I hope all works out so that I can finally see the beauty in real life and get some quality time with Kyle.
Well, Spanish isn't going to learn itself.
~Hannah Grawe~